Fountain in the center of Kazanlak, photo by placescases.com

A short guide for the modern visitor to Kazanlak, the capital of the Valley of Roses – Part 2

Cover photo: fountain in the center of Kazanlak at Seuthopolis square

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In this short guide of 2 parts you will find out where to stay, where to eat and what else to see in Kazanlak. Read also a A short guide for the modern visitor to Kazanlak, the capital of the Valley of Roses – Part 2.

More history and art from Kazanlak

In any case, when  you are in Kazanlak, you should not miss to visit the Historical Museum and the Art Gallery of Kazanlak. They are housed in a common building, which is very convenient. They are located on the roundabout next to the Diamond Hotel, which I mentioned in Part 1 of this guide.

The gallery has masterpieces of famous Bulgarian artists and sculptures from the recent past, and also presents younger artists.

The visitor’s eye enjoys the “A Cart Driver” by Zlatyu Boyadzhiev, the “The Maden” by Vladimir Dimitrov-the Master, paintings by Tsanko Lavrenov, Ivan Milev, Dechko Uzunov, Kazakov, Genko Genkov, Svetlin Rusev, Vasil Barakov, Nenko Balkanski, Chudomir and his wife Mara Nonova, sculptures by Doko Dokov, Atanas Dudulov, Lyubomir Dalchev and many others. Exceptional collection!

The paintings and sculptures are on the upper floors, on the lower and underground are the Thracian remains. There you will see exactly the bronze head of Seuthes III, found in the tomb, which I mentioned in Part 1 of the guide, the golden mask of Teres, and many other interesting things.

Part of the exhibition is dedicated to luthiery in Kazanlak and the oldest luthier factory in Bulgaria “Cremona”. It has been trusted by world-class musicians, including Madonna’s musicians, the Kolpakovi trio. [1]

Here is an interesting work in the museum, by Teodora Hristova, “The Sound of Silence”, related to this topic. Only household appliances and utensils are used for it.

Another must-see for every Bulgarian is the house-museum of Chudomir- a prominent Bulgarian writer and painter from the recent past.

Unfortunately, the house-museum of Dechko Uzunov, a very famous Bulgarian artist, was closed and there was an inscription that it works only with a preliminary request. This could not happen because there was no information about this detail anywhere. Pity! At least he could write something on the Internet so we could book a visit.

The Kulata ethnographic complex is also closed. We did not have time to visit Petko Staynov’s house.

In the village of Skobelevo, 27 minutes by car from Kazanlak is the ethnographic complex Damascene, but we also could not get there.

Which restaurants in Kazanlak are worth it?

Be sure to stop for coffee and breakfast at the Italian bakery Giorgio. It is located at one end of Rosarium Park. The place is unique, there is no such jewel even in Sofia. Read why I think so in my post Italian bakery Giorgio – a must go in Kazanlak, Bulgaria.



Two other places we tried for dinner are Bellezza Cafe Bar and Magnolia tavern, which is next to the hotel of the same name, mentioned above. Read about them in Modern and traditional cuisine in Belezza and Magnolia – two very different but good restaurants in Kazanlak, Bulgaria.

Finally, just walk the streets of the city. Quiet, calm, people are smiling and kind. Along the way you will meet interesting old houses, trees that you will never notice in the big city. This “proud old lady” with the red bricks is still upright, but in need of restoration. I hope they keep it.

This tree is an edible chestnut. It looks like a horse, but it doesn’t.

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And this coniferous, which looks like a willow, but is not, is located next to the fountain on Seuthopolis Square.

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Here is the fountain itself:

Fountain in the center of Kazanlak, photo by placescases.com
Fountain in the center of Kazanlak, photo by placescases.com

How to get there?

Don’t worry about how you will get to all these places in Kazanlak. Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of their locations and then select directions:

пл. „Севтополис“, 6100 Казанлък, България

бул. „Никола Петков“ 1, 6100 Стефан Караджа, Казанлък, България

6100, ул. „Отец Паисий Хилендарски“ 2А, 6100 Казанлък, България

ул. „Стефан Караджа“ 58, 6100 кв. Розариума, Казанлък, България

ул. „Трапезица“ 6, 6100 кв. Казанлъшка роза, Казанлък, България

E85 6, 6100 кв. Казанлъшка роза, Казанлък, България

How to book your stay in Kazanlak?

If you are already planning a trip to Kazanlak in Bulgaria I recommend that you book your stay right here. For your convenience, I have added a booking.com box, which refers directly to their site. I guarantee you’re going to use all your genius discounts and privileges they would offer to you. Just enter the dates of your trip, then hit the Search button and voila. In addition, booking.com are doing their best to make sure that your expectations as a customer are fulfilled. I’ve described an example about the latter in  my story about our stay in Shangri-La hotel in Singapore .



If you need a rent-a-car to and around Kazanlak, you can book it here in the box of the largest booking platform.


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