Balkan Falsch – delicious Balkan fusion with attitude in, Sofia
Balkan Falsch opened at the end of last year, delighting the discerning audience of Sofia’s southern neighborhoods.
Everyone rushed to try the newest restaurant, which made a strong statement about offering exquisite cuisine.
The establishment spans two levels: the first houses a café-pastry shop-bar and a bakery that offers several types of excellent sourdough bread and baked goods. There are also select products from Greece, such as cheeses, canned foods, and more.
January 2025
Rating for Balkan Falsch by the 5D Sensograph: 4,8 out of 5
(click on the 5 sense icons to fast jump to the details about the experiences associated with each)
Experience accents as per the 5D Sensograph:
See a pleasant interior with subtle accents of Bulgarian folklore, very stylish and unobtrusive.
Feel excellent service, courtesy, and competence.
Hear soft, pleasant music in harmony with the theme of the establishment—Bulgarian pop and Balkan ethnic tunes, neither harsh nor intrusive..
Smell a delightful aroma of bread from the bakery fills the air, and the spices in the dishes are well-chosen without being overdone.
Taste very delicious fusion cuisine, based on Bulgarian and broadly Balkan culinary traditions.
Reading time: 5 min
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You don’t feel like reading? See the short movie further below: 0:53 min.
See in Balkan Falsch …
… Stylish, minimalist interior: a stylized embroidery pattern on the wall as decoration and illuminated niches with stylized pottery displayed within.
… Aesthetic plating on the dishes.
Feel in Balkan Falsch …
… The service is excellent: and they genuinely listen to customer feedback.
… Appropriate handling of difficult situations: We experienced two mishaps—a spilled glass of wine on the table and a considerable delay with dessert. However, the staff handled the issues appropriately, and we bore no grudges. It’s evident that they take their work seriously and value their customers’ opinions.
Hear in Balkan Falsch …
… Light and pleasant music: classic pop hits, followed by popular ethnic tracks from the Balkans, including Goran Bregović and other folk songs in modern arrangements.
Movie-watching time: 0:53 min.
Smell in Balkan Falsch …
… Some good finds, such as aromatic wines on the wine list: Although the wine list is not very extensive, you can opt for floral aromatic wines that are reasonably priced, like Gerana from Tsarev Brod and Moschofilero from Greece for whites. As for the reds, I can’t recommend any, as I didn’t care for the selection.
Taste in Balkan Falsch …
… The food is well thought out as a concept, based on Balkan cuisine with a modern twist: the food is very good and it is delicious. The portions might seem small to some, but this way, you can comfortably have a starter and a main without overeating, and even dessert.
… As I mentioned, the wine list is not great, and I gave that feedback to the staff: they listened to me and committed to passing it on to management, but I’m not sure they will make a breakthrough, as designing a good wine list and offering a variety of by-the-glass options requires courage and good planning. I’m not sure they will manage this task.
… The restaurant also offers a lunch menu. What I tried didn’t particularly impress me; the à la carte options are much better.
… The bread from the bakery is excellent, and can be ordered in the restaurant with appetizers, I recommend it.
I would recommend Balkan Falsch to food enthusiasts in Sofia, but not particularly for the wine list.
How to get to Balkan Falsh?
Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:
A: Manastirski Livadi, Bulgaria Blvd 82, 1680 Sofia
Т: +359 876383030
Opening hours: 8-23 ч
How to book your stay?
I recommend that you check the packages that the hotel offers on their website because they are very affordable. But for your convenience, I have also put a box on Compare the prices and choose an option.
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