Ръждясали радиатори в банята на хотел Пири/ Rusty heating battery at Piry by placescases.com


Last time visited in February 2016 with family and friends

See a hotel with passed glamour, which presently needs better maintenance, despite of the efforts of house keeping to fold the towels in a nice way; spacious suites, consisting of 2 bedrooms, a living room and a bathroom.

3 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Smellnot-bad food in Krachmata na baba tavern, which is next to the hotel belonging to the same owner; cigarettes smoke smell in some of the rooms.

1 Big Heart by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Taste mekitsi (fried pastry, traditional for Bulgaria), tutmanik (home-made soft bread with cheese) for afternoon snack, fresh salads and soup at the half board dinner, think if you want to taste meals, most probably served the previous day for dinner; tripe with butter, cooked on a pan, shupla (thin sheet of bread baked with butter) in Krachmata na baba tavern.

3 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Feel and Experiencerooms not cleaned while we stayed there for 2 nights; good response by the restaurant personnel when asking to keep some afternoon snack for two kids, who could not attend it; talking impolitely at Krachmata na baba.

2 Big Hearts from the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Hear very loud Falk music at Krachmata na baba .

3 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Average score 2.4 out of 5.         

We booked rooms in hotel Piry, because the children of some friends of ours were at ski camp there and we decided to spend together a weekend in it. They had enough rooms for our big company, so we did not think twice. I knew what to expect more or less, based on info from other people and we focused on the entertainment with friends more than the comfort of the hotel. I have to say that the prices for accommodation are not high- BGN 45 for an adult, BGN 18 for a child under 8 y.o. and BGN 27 for a child between 8 and 14 y.o. The prices include breakfast and dinner, free parking and free access to the pool with mineral water.

Maybe the hotel was a hit in the past but now it needs refurbishment, repairs, better maintenance, personnel training. For example the bathroom was extremely spacious but the hеating battery was rusty and the toilet paper consisted of 2 halves of rolls. There are basic cosmetics but you should use them only in case you have forgotten yours.

Hotel Piry

Дневната във фамилния апартамент в хотел Пири/ Living room family suite at Piry by placescases.com
Банята в хотел Пири/ Bathroom at Piry by placescases.com
Мивката във фамилния апартамент на хотел Пири8 Sink at family suite at Piry by placescases.com
Спалнята в хотел Пири/ Bedroom at hotel Piry by placescases.com
Ръждясали радиатори в банята на хотел Пири/ Rusty heating battery at Piry by placescases.com
Спалнята в хотел Пири/ Bedroom at hotel Piry by placescases.com
Вана във фамилния апартамент в хотел Пири/ Bath tub at family suite at Piry by placescases.com (2)
Банята в хотел Пири/ Bathroom at Piry by placescases.com
Дневната във фамилния апартамент в хотел Пири/ Living room family suite at Piry by placescases.com Банята в хотел Пири/ Bathroom at Piry by placescases.com Мивката във фамилния апартамент на хотел Пири8 Sink at family suite at Piry by placescases.com Спалнята в хотел Пири/ Bedroom at hotel Piry by placescases.com Ръждясали радиатори в банята на хотел Пири/ Rusty heating battery at Piry by placescases.com Спалнята в хотел Пири/ Bedroom at hotel Piry by placescases.com Вана във фамилния апартамент в хотел Пири/ Bath tub at family suite at Piry by placescases.com (2) Банята в хотел Пири/ Bathroom at Piry by placescases.com

The suites are like villas, separated by a courtyard from the main building with hotel reception. In front of our suite the lamp was damaged and it was quite dark outside. The curtains on the windows are transparent and they cannot help the morning light or the curious eyes from neighboring rooms in the evening, so you have to undress with lights out. Some of our friends complained that their rooms smelled of cigarettes. Ours was not but three was an ash tray, so obviously smoking was allowed. In Bulgaria smoking is forbidden indoors of public buildings by law, so this is not only unacceptable by the standards of good service but also illegal.

There are bathrobes for the pool but in order to go there you have to cross the courtyard in the cold. You can regard it as contrast tempering after the hot mineral pool. The latter was full of people and not attractive for me, so- no personal observations of it. I heard that there is a masseur but we had no time and I did not checked his/her skills.

Pool at hotel Piry, placescases.com

The suites are large with 2 bedrooms with big wardrobes, a living room with a TV set. The mini bar was empty. Maybe the management is afraid that the customers will use the drinks and not pay for them.

Mentioning the clients, some of them were literary plundering the food from the buffet. One family has taken all the tangerines from the bowl, collecting them on the table. They took their booty with them when they left. Maybe they tried to save the efforts for shopping at the open market.

I believe such behavior is the reason for the suspicious look on behalf of the manager, who expressed doubts about the age of the bigger boys in the company. Maybe he perceives that all customers are trying to lie about the kids age for the sake of saving money.

There is a playground indoors for little kids but the parents have to watch them themselves.

Kids club at hotel Piry, placescases.com

The breakfast was well varied but the sliced salami and the ham did not attract my attention. There were mekitsi, fried bread slices, vegetables, fruit, eggs but the good looking stuff was out of stock very fast and very slowly replenished.

There is a bar from which you can buy coffee, better from the soluble juice at the breakfast, alcohol and some other stuff.

The food was situated in a corner in a tight space, so there was constantly a crowd of people pushing each other to reach it. It was obvious for everybody that a better positioning on a larger area will prevent this. The restaurant is very big and they can afford it.

The food at the dinner buffet was relatively good- there was soup, several types of salads, 2-3 desserts. I could not taste the latter, since the better one finished fast and the others were not enough attractive for me. I preffered the salads and the soup, since part of the main meals were repeated from the previous day and I had the feeling that they were the yesterday dinner,just re-heated. We were informed that the restaurant closes the dinner at 21:00. Maybe the owners’ put limit of 2 hours to the eating with the idea to transfer the public to the tavern Krachmata na baba.

The latter is just next to the hotel, sharing a parking with it and belonging to the same people. The food there was good- for example the potatoes and the tripe in butter were not bad. The pork sward was not good but the shupla- a baked in a thin sheet bread with butter was delicious. There is very loud live music and we hid ourselves in a separated with a door room. It has to be reserved in advance though. If you are a fan of loud Falk and chalga (pop-falk) music, this is your place. You will have fun with the singers and the band.

The service in the tavern was mediocre. The waiters did not use the polite form of addressing (in Bulgarian there is such form) , did not know the wines, did not know their prices. Our waitress was serving the table till late, or better to say early hours and the next day she was on a shift at the breakfast in the hotel. Obviously this was the reason she to behave strange and a little rude, as if we were guilty for her poor state, despite of the hefty tip we had left last night. Overloading the personnel always affects the quality, no other option.

I have nothing to add, except that we spent good time only because of our jolly company and that I should never visit this hotel again.

Address: on the road from Razlog to Bansko, at the sign for exit to the tavern Krachmata na baba.

The site of Piry is not working for some reason, so I cannot post any other data about them.

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