Гурме @home,Funny cartoons on Messenger by placescases.com

Do virtual dinners lead to domestic alcoholism?

Have you tried to contact friends, @home, with an appointment, by phone/laptop/tablet/pc with a glass of alcohol and some appetizers or dinner, to laugh, to talk, to share information or the last mems of prominent figures on the corona virus, to express your fears and the problems of the economic crisis lurking around the corner, complain from the inability to move freely around in the open, the wight crisis since you’re are home office, telling fun stories about the online school and all the like.

These evenings are fun, especially when you turn on the filters with the rabbit ears, the moustache, hats, the devil’s horns, or whatever it is that Google or Apple offers you in messenger, skype, etc.

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It’s a little rough with the yelling, ‘ cause not much data can pass through the audio channel, especially if more than 3 accounts have been logged in, and there’s a little delay even. We have to learn to listen to each other, no matter how difficult it is, especially if you are so expressive and extrovert.

Yes, that’s right, except getting used to washing our hands 100 times a day, we have to learn to listen to each other. 😊

So somehow, all these dinners pass with a glass of alcohol, or two, or three, and more. And the question comes quite relevant- do they tempt you to alcoholism.

Even if we make the perfect laboratory environment, as the serious studies do, and exclude all the side factors that urge us to fix a drink, like the temperature outside, making us to freeze on a queue at the supermarket, the arguments that we have in the pharmacy, because the face masks cost a fortune, the disputes with the spouse or the online school of our children, we still cannot prove 100% percent that one event, leads to the other.  In other words, we can only prove a correlation relationship between the two events but not that one causes the other. It means that, it is possible that the virtual dinner with the sweet talk prompts us to have a drink. However, it can be the other way around- when we drink, we want to connect with our friends and talk, to have fun, as we are used to before the lockdown, to feel as though everything is fine and we do not go through one of the strangest periods in our extremely advanced technical life.

So, my advice is, no matter what, invite friends to a virtual dinner, no harm to have a drink together, tea, coffee, wine, rakia, to laugh, complain, to share with each other, purely for therapeutic purposes. It helps because we are social creatures and we need each other, especially now. We don’t know if alcohol protects us against the crown, but it seams we have to coexist with it for a while, @home. Let’s at least be it in the presence of friends.

Cheers! 🍷

Expect the subsequent articles from the new rubric @home in the blog placescases.com, where I will tell you what else you can do from home to feel a little better in this crowned situation. For example, I will tell you which restaurants and shops in Sofia and Bulgaria will deliver their products, services to you @home. Follow the profiles of placescases.com in social networks InstagramFacebookLinkedInTwitter, YouTubeps. You can practice virtual sports together with your friends. You will drink only water or soda. Or at least I think so.

P. s. You can get together for sports practicing. Then you will drink only water or soda. Or at least I think so.


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