Амбар на Бетон Хала, в Белград placescases.com

Endless Feast in AmBar, Belgrade, Serbia

Ambar score by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com: 4.9 out of 5.

November 2018


Seen             4.5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 4.5 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of placescases.com     

Felt               5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com   

Heard           5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com                                                      

Smelled        5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com                       

Tasted           5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com    


AmБar (AmBar) is located on the seafront in the old shops along the Sava River in Belgrade near the place where it merges with the Danube river.

The modern way to refine the coastal and port areas of seaside and river cities is to transform old shops into restaurants that offer a pleasant atmosphere, a delicious dining with daytime views and artistic nightlife. Beton Hala in Belgrade was made in exactly this spirit. The place is great for dining, partying, cheerful, with live music, you don’t want to leave.

At the same time, the alley by the water is well secured, and children can run around. We were brought to AmBar by friends of ours who are very well aware of the nice places in the city. They recommended to us also another good dining spot – Fransh, but you can read about it in another article.

AmBar is classical kafana. As my friend, who visits Serbian classes, explained to me …

… the modern interpretation of the term “kafana” is a restaurant that is something between a restaurant and a bar, a venue for partying till dawn, visited by bohemian citizens.


See ….

…. Stunningly cool urban interior, old school and modern in perfect synchronicity with these metal and wood tables, bare concrete and wood on the walls and many plants, some of them hanging from the ceiling; a huge hall with two floors and a large bar in the middle;

…. It is full of young people, the mood is great and as the evening progresses, the place becomes more packed;

…. Beautifully plated dishes of the Endless Dinner, combining all options from the menu- the best way to try as much as possible from all delicious meals;

…. An open kitchen where cooks work fast and diligently  because orders are raining;


…. Unfortunately, despite the interesting style of the toilet, it was not well cleaned, which greatly spoiled the overall impression of the place, and it lost half heart from the 5D Sensograph score.


Feel ….

…. Everything was served fast, we didn’t wait long for anything, the small dishes like tapas came one after another, each one more delicious then the previous;

…. They had gas lamps outdoors, it was warm enough to sit by the river;

…. In Serbia, smoking in the restaurants is allowed, so in AmBar too, but we sensed no smoke inside – I do not know if  it was because they had good ventilation or just because the windows and doors were open.



Listen ….

…. Modern beat, the sound was great, the music was tempting for dancing.


Smell ….

…. The aroma of apricot rakia – authentic, without essences, very good;

…. We tried 20 year old plum rakia that was aged in oak barrels, so it had magic brandy smell;

…. Each of the dishes smelled fresh and very appetizing – nice smoke in the grill, butter in the cream, exotic spices in the aubergine mousse.


Taste ….

…. If you visit AmBar for the first time, I strongly recommend that you order the combined menu called “Endless Dinner”. For around EUR 25 per person you can try small portions from  everything in the menu. At one point, you just can not go on because the dishes, though small, are a lot and very satiable. You have to tell the waiters to stop bringing them, otherwise you will overeat brutally. There were so many things we did not try, we just couldn’t! The cuisine is Serbian, but somehow with a modern gourmet flavor and light fusion. Awesome Chef’s work!


…. Here as a signature dish you can taste different types of cream, called here kaymak– with salmon, blue cheese, hazelnuts, plain …;

…. The chicken, veal, pork ribs were scrumptious and delicate, and the courgettes with a very crispy and aromatic breadcrumb;

…. Do not miss Serbian rakia from apricot or pear, and also the local Vranac wine.

I greatly enjoyed AmBar! I would go again and try some desserts. I had so much meal from the Endless Dinner that I did not have space in my stomach at all for them. Be warned against overeating and overdrinking – in Serbia you can easily pass beyond your limits with these delicious drinks and food!

If you feel like going to AmBar right now, at least first book a hotel. How? Very easy – right here. For your convenience I added a booking.com search box. I guarantee you will enjoy all your genius discounts and privileges. Just enter the dates, then click on the search button and voila- you have all your options.


A: Karadjordjeva 2-4, 11000 Beograd

T: +381 11 3286637

E: belgrade@ambarrestaurant.com

No worries hot to get to AmBar. Just use the map, hit the red pin on the map and then tap directions:

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