Hotel Diamond in Kazanlak, photo by

Hotel Diamond, in the center of Kazanlak, at the end of the pedestrian zone, Bulgaria

Hotel Diamond rating by the 5D Sensograph of 3.7 out of 5.

September  2020


Seen                  3 сърца от 5D Сензографа на / 3 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of

Felt                   4 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of

Heard               4 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of

Smelled            4 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of

Tasted                n/a 


Reading time: 4 min

You don’t have 4 min to read? Then try the fast mode, go only through bold and colored text- 3 min

You don’t have 3 min.? See the short movie further below: 1:13  min.


Among the three shortlisted hotels in Kazanlak, I chose the Diamond Hotel because it is at the end of the pedestrian zone and because the Iskra Historical Museum and the city’s art gallery, which share a common building, are right next to it on the roundabout.


…. Pleasant and cozy atmosphere, a hotel with a little kitschy style, for my taste, but the rooms are themed with a different design, which is interesting. We were in the Golden Double Room;

…. Unfortunately we only had 1 nightstand, I don’t know for what reason, we were deprived of the second one;

…. There was a dead wasp in the drawer of the only nightstand;

… In the second “Golden” room, my daughter found someone’s socks on the floor, apparently left by a previous client. True, they were under the curtain next to the nightstand, but house keeping still had to see them somehow;

…. The curtains are not black out, i.e. when the sun shines in the morning, you have no option to sleep a bit more.


…. Good service, but without face masks;

…. If you forgot a reading before sleep and are staying at the Diamond Hotel, check the drawers for books. I guess they were left by the hotel to have something for the guests to read if they didn’t take it. They were in both the rooms we accommodated;

…. The room door locks are with keys instead of cards, which is a certain inconvenience, especially if you need 2 pieces per room. You just can’t get them, while if there were cards, they could be programmed for each guest in the room. Also, the door is openable from the outside, which means that you must lock it from the inside. Yes, but the key has a plate for the electricity, which automatically means that you have to disconnect the key from the plate;

…. Great convenience is the location of the hotel – at the beginning of the pedestrian zone, near the historical museum and within walking distance of the center, Kazanlak tomb, Park Rosarium, the houses-museums of Chudomir and Dechko Uzunov.


…. It is very noisy at night because of the street, even with the windows closed.

Movie watching time: 1:13 min


.… The shower gel from the cosmetics in the bathroom smelled more like toiletries. I expected the shampoos to be based on rose oil, since we are in the capital of roses, but my expectations were not met. Only the soap smelled of a rose. Better bring your own shower gel and shampoo.


…. The room has a mini bar, but there were no compliments like water or coffee. As I mentioned in the previous category, we did not take breakfast to the hotel, so there is no rating here.

Instead of the hotel, we chose to have breakfast in the Italian bakery Giorgio in the city, which I highly recommend. Why, you can read in the review Italian bakery Giorgio – a must go in Kazanlak, Bulgaria.

How to get to hotel Diamond?

Don’t worry about how you will get to hotel Diamond in Kazanlak. Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:

улица „Шипченска епопея 2, 6100 Progres, Kazanlak, Bulgaria

А: 2, Shipchenska epopeya str., 6100 Kazanlak

Т: +35943163192


If you need to rent a car, you can book it here in the box of the largest booking platform.


How to book your stay in Kazanlak?

If you are already planning a trip to Kazanlak in Bulgaria I recommend that you book your stay right here. For your convenience, I have added a box, which refers directly to their site. I guarantee you’re going to use all your genius discounts and privileges they would offer to you. Just enter the dates of your trip, then hit the Search button and voila. In addition, are doing their best to make sure that your expectations as a customer are fulfilled. I’ve described an example about the latter in  my story about our stay in Shangri-La hotel in Singapore .


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