ZigZag Integrated Hotel Reception by placescases.com


Average score of hotel ZigZag by the 5D Sensograph 2.4 out of 5

Last time visited in January 2016 with family


See youth, contemporary dun design of interior

4 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Smellstrange cooking lake smell in the studio

2 Big Hearts from the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Taste nothing, no breakfast.



Feel and Experiencegood communication by the receptionists, however be ready to put the linen on additional beds by yourself.

2 Big Hearts from the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Hear good English by receptionists.

4 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com


I chose Integrated Hotel ZigZag   from TripAdvisor. It had a badge “choice of customers”. We needed a hotel in the center of Zagreb, since we were planning to stay only 1 night and we wanted to have  brief sight-seeing  for the short time we had.

The hotel offered parking for EUR 10 in addition to the accommodation fee. The latter was only EUR 85 for 2 adults+2 kids.

We didn’t know when we would arrive in Zagreb, we were warned by the hotel that the reception works until 19:00 and if we were late they would leave the keys for our suite at the reception. We were lucky we arrived before that hour, otherwise we wouldn’t know how to manage with finding the garage and etc.

So, pay attention when you see the expression INTEGRATED HOTEL. This means that several suites and rooms, located in buildings, situated in a walking distance to each other are combined in a hotel. There is a common reception but this type of accommodation reminds me more of Airbnb service than a conventional hotel one.

Part of the rooms, as well as the reception, were located in a business building and the rest somewhere in the vicinity. I had the feeling that the rest of the rooms were not very close and  I was really reluctant to drag my bags anywhere else after a long car travel in  fresh snow on the high ways. We were lucky our suite was in the same building with the reception.

We waited some time, while the receptionist showed the garage to the group of tourists who arrived just before us. Meanwhile I was examining the interior of the hall. It impressed me with the black walls, chalk-written and drawn with wifi password, info and guidelines about cafes, restaurants, sight of interest  and other main locations in the center of Zagreb. It was pretty cool!

Zig-Zag Interior

Interior of ZigZag Integrated Hotel by placescases.com
Chalk-written info on black walls at ZigZag by placescases.com
Kitchen box at ZigZag by placescases.com
Bed not prepared at ZigZag by placescases.com
Bedroom of ZigZag by placescases.com
ZigZag Integrated Hotel Reception by placescases.com
Interior of ZigZag Integrated Hotel by placescases.com Chalk-written info on black walls at ZigZag by placescases.com Kitchen box at ZigZag by placescases.com Bed not prepared at ZigZag by placescases.com Bedroom of ZigZag by placescases.com ZigZag Integrated Hotel Reception by placescases.com

We were accommodated in a studio with a bedroom and a living room, including kitchen box. The latter was equipped with utensils and electric appliances. If one stays there for a long time on small budget, this is the right place. Our idea, though, was quite the opposite. We wanted to leave our luggage there, have a dinner, have a short sight-seeing (in the evening or the next  morning) and drive on. Well, we didn’t quite succeed!

We were guided to our suite. It turned out that the second bed, for the children was not prepared. There were two separate beds which we should put together and put the linen by ourselves. We managed but I didn’t expect that.

There was a strange cooking-like smell coming from the absorber.

There are no hotel slippers or flip-flops, so carry yours if you need them. Bring your own cosmetics, since they have only soap and shampoo.

The biggest problem for us turned out the lack of breakfast. We had to look for a place in the morning to drink coffee and eat something, and the receptionist advised us properly upon the subject. Unfortunately it has been snowing all night long, we had no time to roam around looking for a café. Besides, we couldn’t buy anything from the local bakery, since they accept there neither Euro, nor a credit card and money exchange was not an option early in the morning. We had to head off  to the snowy highways, without having breakfast or drinking coffee, with two hungry kids.

Well this is it. We do not blame the hotel, our mistake was that we did not check up the meaning of INTEGRATED HOTEL. Well , next time we will know.

If you are young with no great expectations to hotel service, have much time, don’t insist on drinking coffee and having breakfast at the hotel , preferring to look around for a nearby café in the morning, traveling on budget, I would recommend to you hotel ZigZag. But if for you the term HOTEL berries the conventional meaning, I would recommend to choose another place.

Reception address of hotel ZigZag:  Petrinjska 9, 1st floor, 10 000 Zagreb

Tel: +385 1 8895 433

Petrinjska ul. 9 , 10000, Zagreb, Croatia

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