Loy Stubn Лой Щубн

Restaurant Loy Stub’n – highly rated fine dining in Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria

Restaurant Loy Stub’n has recommendations from Gault Millau, À La Carte and the Falstaff Gourmet Club. It is located in Hotel Pulverer.

We visited the restaurant on Christmas Eve, we wanted to celebrate the holiday properly with good cuisine and we were not wrong.

You just have to keep in mind that if you plan to visit the restaurant on the holiday too, you need a reservation. For Austrians, Christmas is on the 24th of December and this is the big holiday. They do not fast, go to church, or give each other gifts on this day.

December 2023

Rating for Loy Stub’n by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com: 4.8 out of 5.

      4 hearts and a half 2022

        4 hearts and a half 2022

      5 сърца 12920

     5 сърца 12920

      5 сърца 12920

Experience accents as per the 5D Sensograph:

See a festively decorated building, all in lights. Great interior in the Carinthian style. One idea should be brighter in the dining room.

Feel polite service, but they didn’t explain any details about the wonderful food they served.

Hear Christmas carols performed by opera singers – great music for Christmas Eve.

Smell a truffle in one of the poached egg courses and a wonderful citrus aroma in a tangerine sorbet.

Taste wonderful modern variations of Carinthian cuisine.


To find out what else you can expect from Loy Stub’n restaurant, I recommend you continue reading the post.

Reading time: 3 min

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See in restaurant Loy Stub’n …

… Impressive interior: wood, draperies, inscribed plates, great cozy and fun place.

… Beautifully prepared brochure with the evening’s menu: the menu was announced in advance, but nevertheless, waiting for our beautifully decorated tables was this rather well-made information brochure.

… Beauty on the plate: the dishes are arranged on the plates with extreme precision.

… Lack of sufficient light in the restaurant: to better notice the visual contrasts and color variations, it is necessary to have a little more light on the table.

More about this can be read in the post What is fovea and what does it have to do with gourmet?

Feel  in restaurant Loy Stub’n

… Polite service, but not much explanation of the food: in a fine dining restaurant, I somehow expected to be told more about the food and techniques. The products were written on the menu, but a few more details wouldn’t hurt to share.

Hear in restaurant Loy Stub’n

… Great Christmas music: opera versions of festive season hits and carols, a really fine touch in the atmosphere.

Movie-watching time: 1:40 min.

Smell in restaurant Loy Stub’n

… Great and different aromas in the various courses: from the very beginning, they serve dips with different freshly baked bread rolls. One was mushroom butter, wonderful!

… Truffle in the poached egg with spinach: they went very well together.

… The flavor of the tangerine sorbet: it was lovely and just right for clearing the palate and smell before the main course.

… Raspberries in the sorbet ball cake dessert.

Taste  in restaurant Loy Stub’n

… Every single dish is well thought out and very tasty: the play of contrasting temperatures, textures, and flavors is well-balanced and pleasing to the senses. The product variations are from seafood to beef, vegetables, and fruits. Dinner consisted of 6 courses, not including the complements. There was gradation and intermediate rests to soothe the senses. Only the ceviche was not quite up to my expectations because of the missing cilantro.

I recommend Loy Stub’n to every fan of fine dining and refined food! For people who want to get acquainted with the taste of Carinthian cuisine first, I rather recommend that they visit a restaurant with such a focus first and then experiment here.

How to get to Loy Stub’n restaurant?

Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:

A: Thermenstraße 4, 9546 Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria

T: +434240744

Open hours: every day 18-22 o‘clock

How to book your stay?

I recommend that you check the packages that the hotel offers on their website because they are very affordable. But for your convenience, I have also put a box on booking.com. Compare the prices and choose an option.


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