Unique for Bulgaria Turkish specialities in Chevermeto, Kotel and what you can do in the region
Chevermeto in Kotel score by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com: 4.5 out of 5.
September 2019
Reading time: 2 min
Fast mode reading time (bold and coloured text): 1 min
We were on a tour in the region of Kotel, Zheravna and Medven.
Many famous Bulgarian revolutionaries and educational figures originate from this Triangle of Bulgarian Revival. Starting from Georgi Sava Rakovski (famous Bulgarian revolutionary) and Petar Beron (the creator of the first school book) from Kotel, we pass through Sava Filaretov (educational figure and benefactor) and Yordan Yovkov (one of the best Bulgarian writers) from Zheravna, Zahari Stoyanov (revolutionary, fighter for Freedom and public figure) from Medven and we finish with Tatyana Lolova (famous Bulgarian comedy actress) and Uttie Bachvarov (actor, popular TV chef), whose origins are from there too. The area is rich with natural landmarks and historical places.
And the pub Chevermeto in Kotel, offers unique Turkish dishes, which I have not tried anywhere else in Bulgaria.
See ….
…. Eclectic style- tablecloths with colorful motifs in contrast to retro signs on the walls, rather corresponding to another type of urban establishment. The food pads were with quite intrusive advertising, I deliberately turned them upside down for the photos. The most enjoyable was the garden. However, the establishment looked clean and pleasant;
…. Ayran (a refreshing drink made of yogurt, water and salt) was served it in a jar and this made it more interesting with this original idea.
Feel ….
…. Very pleasant service- they told us about the food when we asked, as some of the dishes were unknown to us;
…. Unfortunately they did not give us precise information about the size of the Parlenka (round bread)- they showed us the form, but they did not tell us that they were quite big, so we turned out to be 4 breads more than necessary;
…. Nice crispy chicken strips in the corn-flakes.
…. Mix of pop pieces- duets with Freddie Mercury, Stefan Valdobrev and the Usual Suspects, Slavi Trifonov and Krisko, a rather heterogeneous mix.
Movie watching time: 3:22 min.
Smell ….
…. The light garlic smell in the Arabic paste on the side of the chicken strips in corn-flakes and on the Parlenka;
Taste ….
…. Amazing gyuzleme– it’s Turkish pie, in a pastry sheet there is a cheese stuffing and it’s toasted on a ceramic plate. It was delicious!;
…. Wonderful Tava Djiger- This is the first time I’ve tried such a thing. Another Turkish specialite made of very finely chopped veal liver, with a crispy breading. I don’t eat veal liver, but I liked this one very much. The waitress explained that the recipe originates from Edirne and the chef just decided to implement it here. Bravo for the original idea!
…. Chicken nuggets in soy sauce did not impress me very much- they had a kind of breading, but I expected more aroma from the marinade;
…. Delicious Snejanka salad (made of yogurt and cucumber), however, I warn you that it has garlic;
…. Tatla with nougat and ice cream– a heavily soaked with syrup pastry, topped with nougat sauce. It was very tasty and quite sweet;
…. Delicious, but quite dry homemade cake with honey layers and butter-milk filling.
If you decide to go to Kotel, I recommend you to try the Tava Djiger and Gyuzleme in Chevermeto pub.
I do not make recommendations for accommodation in the area because we slept in a private old house in Medven. But the surrounding area is full of guest houses and I am sure that the atmosphere of the old Bulgarian homes and the cozy architectural style can be felt and enjoyed there.
What else can you do in the triangle of Bulgarian Revival-Kotel, Zheravna, Medven?
You can enjoy the beauty of the old authentic Bulgarian houses and cobblestone streets of Zheravna, framed by the beautiful nature of the Balkan (Stara Planina, the mountain splitting Bulgaria in southern and northern parts), to learn more about the life of the great Bulgarian writer Yordan Yovkov and the educational leader Sava Filaretov from the tourist guides in their houses-museums. As you go around the museums, stop by the Sugerhouse or the café of Dimcho Kehaya to have a Turkish coffee, eat baklava or hand-made Turkish delight. You will recognize the place by the statue of Dimcho Kehaya in front of it. Have a look at it in the movie here.
In Medven we stayed in an old house, with over 120 years of history, in which I will give you the unique opportunity to peek with my movie here, as it is privately owned and not accessible to tourists. In the village you can visit Zahari Stoyanov’s home house and walk on a pleasant eco path to the Sini Vir waterfall.
In Kotel it is worth walking in the park and the natural landmark Izvorite. The rich collection of animals and plants of the Museum of Natural Science would be interesting for the children.
How to book your stay there?
If you are planning to spend a weekend Kotel, Zheravna or Medven and the surrounding area I recommend that you book your stay right here .For your convenience, I added a booking.com box, which refers directly to their site. I guarantee you’re going to use all your genius discounts and privileges they would offer to you. Just enter the dates of your trip, then hit the Search button and voila. In addition, booking.com are doing their best to make sure that your expectations as a customer are fulfilled. I’ve described an example about the latter in my story about our stay in Shangri-La hotel in Singapore.
How to get there?
Don’t worry about getting to Chevermeto in Kotel, the Museum of Natural Science in Kotel, the old museum-houses in Zheravna or Sini Vir. Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:
8970 Котел, парк, 8970 Изворите, Котел, България
8988 Жеравна, България
8988 Жеравна, България
8970 Изворите, България
Син вир, 8987, България
ул. „Луда Камчия“, 8970 Котел, България
А: 2 “Luda Kamchija” sstr., 8970 Kotel
T: + 359 89 851 4891
Open hours: 9:00- 24:00
If you need a rent-a-car, you can book it here in the box of the largest booking platform.
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