
Gastro Bar Ailyakria- delicious, calm, and pleasant in Kapana, Plovdiv

Ailyakria is located in Kapana but tucked away more discreetly compared to other establishments. Here, the bustling atmosphere of the bohemian district is less pronounced, allowing you to relax in peace.

The name of the place comes from a jargon word in Bulgarian Ailyak.

Ailyak is something like Dolce far niente, sweet idleness.

The only drawback of this Ailyak is that you have only an hour and a half at your disposal, after which you are expected to vacate the table.

For more details about the venue, read below.

June 2024

Rating for Ailyakria gastro bar by the 5D Sensograph: 5 out of 5.

(click on the 5 sense icons to fast jump to the details about the experiences associated with each)

        5 сърца 12920

        5 сърца 12920

        5 сърца 12920

         5 сърца 12920

        5 сърца 12920

Experience accents as per the 5D Sensograph:

See seating is limited, but you can also sit comfortably inside with air conditioning.

Feel the service is very pleasant, courteous, and efficient.

Hear you won’t feel the usual hustle and bustle of Kapana here; instead, it’s peaceful.

Smell exotic spices in Asian dishes and fresh flowers in vases on the tables.

Taste everything in the kitchen is wonderfully delicious, with no exceptions.

Reading time: 5 min

You don’t have 5 min to read? Then try the fast mode, go only through bold and colored text: 3 мин.

You don’t feel like reading? See the short movie further below: 0:46 min.

Айлякрия Ailyakria

See in Ailyakria …

… They have a concise menu with intriguing offerings such as green cheese from Teteven, Asian dishes, and tapas perfect for pairing with their excellent wine list, of course.


Feel  in Ailyakria

… Young ladies and girls smile as they serve you: they are always attentive if you need anything.

One major plus and admiration for the fact that if you ask for tap water, they bring it to you without hesitation.

In comparison, at Pavaj, also in Kapana, if you ask for tap water, they explain that they don’t have a filter on the tap and can’t guarantee the water’s quality.  But everybody in Plovdiv knows that the tap water is drinkable. They also don’t explain the source of the ice – probably because they don’t guarantee its quality, unlike with San Pellegrino, which is their only water option modestly priced at EUR 5. This ensures quality, not just EUR 0.5-1.

So, applause for Ailyakria!


Hear in Ailyakria

… … Peacefulness and absence of the constant buzz that can be heard a bit further down in Kapana.

Movie-watching time: 0:46 min.

Smell in Ailyakria

… Sesame, coriander, and other Asian accents in the bao bun with fried chicken, sweet and spicy chicken skewers, and green salad with homemade marinated salmon.

 … The combination of the robust aroma green cheese from Teteven town with strawberries, grapes, and sweet white cherry jam! A favorite appetizer for wine.

… An interesting surf and turf combination of flavors with beef and tuna in the Absolute Tapas: crispy croquettes filled with pulled beef and mozzarella on refined tuna cream. It was unique and delightful.


Taste  in Ailyakria

Everything we tried was delicious. The portions of the appetizers are tapas-sized, but the main dishes are generous.

… The green salad with homemade marinated salmon was fantastic: it includes avocado and is sprinkled with sesame—exceptionally tasty.

… The children really enjoyed the Asian food from the menu.

… The wine by the glass is from a bottle and of high quality, allowing you to try white, rosé, and red varieties with different appetizers and mains.

Ailyakria offers delicious food, excellent service, and is definitely worth visiting. I personally will visit them again.

How to get to Ailyakria?

Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:

A: Kapana Plovdiv Center, ul. “Kozhuharska” №3, 4000 Plovdiv

T: + 359876163666

How to book your stay?

I recommend that you check the packages that the hotel offers on their website because they are very affordable. But for your convenience, I have also put a box on booking.com. Compare the prices and choose an option.


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