Aubergine Sofia, placescases.com


Restaurant Aubergine score by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com: 4.7 out of 5.

April 2018


Seen                  4.5 Hearts of 5D Placescases.com Sensor / 4.5 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of placescases.com

Felt                    4.5 Hearts of 5D Placescases.com Sensor / 4.5 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of placescases.com

Heard                5 hearts from 5D Sensation of placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensor of placescases.com

Smelled             5 hearts from 5D Sensation of placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensor of placescases.com

Tasted                4.5 Hearts of 5D Placescases.com Sensor / 4.5 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of placescases.com              

On a small quiet street, in a small cozy place named Aubergine, together with my old friends we had delicious food, we spiritually supported each other, recollected old stories, we laughed and we had great time together. Here’s what you can expect from this place if you decide to visit it:

See ….

…. Sweet city chic, without being overloaded with ornaments, making you feel somehow homey;

…. The food in the dishes looks appetizing, arranged in style;

…. Somewhat dim on the terrace in the late hours – you can guess by the pictures that there was not enough light, I consider it a flaw that steals from the beauty of the plates.


Feel ….

.Very nice service– the waiters were kind, willing to be of help, not intrusive cool!

…. The first nights spent in the open- the restaurant has a terrace with a roof so that leaves do not fall on the tables;

…. An idea of  inconvenience coming from the tables, because of the many metal frames below – you have to put your feet on the other side of the frame or on it – it’s a little strange.

…. A crispy, lightly toasted Arabic bread, served with paste of cream cheese, red pepper, a little garlic, and Harrisa (a hot chilli peppers paste) – a slightly spicy and very nice start of the evening with this crunchy playfulness!


Hear ….

…. Birds sing on the trees, spring is here; there was a slight unobtrusive music, not something special, but most importantly there was not much traffic on the street and it was quiet, therefore 5 hearts.



Smell ….

…. It was the most remarkable thing – scents in the dishes: exotic and magical – a little cinnamon in stuffed eggplant, a little cumin in chia-kofta, parsley, goat cheese, dried fruit – they deserve all 5 hearts of the 5D Sensograph;

…. Strawberry flavor in a light duel with peppermint and parsley to make the salad with avocado, cucumber, spinach and iceberg marvelous arena of the senses – and it’s crunchy because it had pumpkin seeds and it’s beautiful with these cucumber strips, and it’s colorful because of the strawberries and sweet because of honey-mustard sauce MY N1 CHOICE!

…. A very interesting dessert with goat cheese mousse, white chocolate and mascarpone – I wrote it here in the Smells section, because I had been most impressed by the balance between the goat cheese aroma  as a strong backdrop for the other ingredients soft caramel notes , mint, pomegranate and apple foam; it was not the best dessert I had ever eaten, but it definitely impressed me and I will remember it!


 Taste ….

…. I mentioned the strawberry salad before but I enjoy writing about it again;

…. Two ideas less sour should be the aubergine stuffed with bulgur, green lentils, almonds, dried cherries, sprinkled on top with cheese – it’s slightly hot, I liked it but others may find it too spicy; 

…. Chia- kofta, in a crispy Arabic bread roll stuffed with bulgur, red lentils and cumin – I tried it and it won me,  nice presentation with salad and seasoning, I will have it next time for sure.

I have already decided to write about drinks that go well with food. Here we were pleased to try the following two:

  • Ormano, Sauving Blanc and Viognier, harvest 2016 of Damianitza
  • Riesling by Dr.Losen, from the region of Mosel, Germany 2016 – I definitely prefer it, although the first one was cheaper and that’s 39 lv. the bottle. There was a scent of citrus and green apple, very refreshing, dry, a good friend of Aubergine’s light cuisine.


I decided to return again to restaurant Aubergine because there were more things in the menu that interested me. Next time I can try craft beer or rakia – for example, from Zaric.

A: Sofia, 11 Carnegie str.,

T: +359 (0) 88 999 1867

E: office@aubergine.bg

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 12: 00-23: 00, Saturday and Sunday 10: 30-23: 00, because there is a brunch from 10:30 to 12:00

To get to restaurant Aubergine, use the map by pressing on the red pin  and then selecting directions:

ул. Карнеги 11, 1142 Център, София, България

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