Tams House in Plovdiv dessert, photo by placescases.com

Back to Tams House in Plovdiv after the big lockdown due to Covid-19

Tams House  rating by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com: 5 out of 5.

August  2020


Seen             5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Felt              5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com  

Heard          5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com  

Smelled       5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Tasted          5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com    


Reading time: 3 min

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It was with great pleasure to be back at Tams House after all restaurants were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But even then, they kept in touch with their customers, sending them home from their delicious food. Just as we expected, this time they demonstrate their high level cooking. Each dish is flawless and insanely delicious.

See ….

…. The dishes are not only delicious but also served with finesse and beauty on the plate;

…. The plating of the Ratatouille Fusion appetizer, in which the tomato is wrapped in roasted eggplant, looks like a flower;

…. Again an impressive and original vision of the latest dessert- pot of cheesecake, caramel chocolate and dark chocolate;

…. Slightly enhanced lighting outside for the late dark hours of warm summer Plovdiv evenings, which favors the better visual perception;

…. Beautiful and smiling Melissa, the owner, who personally mixes cocktails behind the bar and pours drinks.

Feel ….

…. There is a change in the tables, which contributes to better comfort for customers;

…. Staff members wear masks and comply with the requirements to prevent the spread of Covid-19;

…. The crunchy texture of risotto chips to the Kraken dish and the tender sour-vide octopus, seared in a pan, with a sumptuous red beetroot garnish.

Hear ….

…. The noise of Kapana, the artistic district in the center of Plovdiv, where the restaurant is located.

Movie watching time: 2:13 min.

Smell ….

…. Aromatic mushrooms and chanterelle in beef cheeks and ribs prepared in sous-vide;

…. Caramel in the pot of carrot cheesecake dessert, as well as in the walnuts with caramel on the side.

Taste ….

…. Goatling prepared in a sous-vide – very tender, extremely tasty, served flawlessly in the form of a neat parallelepiped, garnished with Arabic couscous and cashews in oriental style;

…. Chicken sous-vide– my daughter really liked it;

…. All the above-mentioned dishes are incredibly delicious!

It was a great pleasure for us to see that Tams House is in such good shape. They have a lot of customers, the tables are constantly being occupied, they deserve it. I hope their business will continue to go well. I have already mentioned in previous posts There I wanted to dine on my next trip to Plovdiv, at Tams House and There I am again, at Tams House in Kapana, Plovdiv, that the cuisine in this wonderful restaurant is at Michelin level, without stating it  and demonstrating some arrogant self-confidence. I love this place!

How to get there?

Don’t worry about getting to Tams House in Plovdiv. Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:

Zagreb 4, 4000 Капана, Пловдив, България

A: 4 Zagreb str., Plovdiv

T: +359 88 724 2727

Open hours: Mon-Sat, 12:00 – 23:00, Sun 12:00 – 22:00

If you need to rent a car, you can book it here in the box of the largest booking platform.


How to book your stay in Plovdiv?

If  you are already planning a visit to Plovdiv,  I recommend that you book your stay right hereFor your convenience, I have added a booking.com box, which refers directly to their site. I guarantee you’re going to use all your genius discounts and privileges they would offer to you. Just enter the dates of your trip, then hit the Search button and voila. In addition, booking.com are doing their best to make sure that your expectations as a customer are fulfilled. I’ve described an example about the latter in  my story about our stay in Shangri-La hotel in Singapore .



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