Tams House, Kapana, Plovdiv, photo by placescases.com

There I wanted to dine on my next trip to Plovdiv, at Tams House

Tams House score by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com: 4.8 out of 5.

May 2019


Seen                  4 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of placescases.com

Felt                   5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Heard                5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Smelled              5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Tasted                5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Reading time: 2 min

Fast mode reading time (bold and coloured text): 0.5 min

I have been following for some time Tams House restaurant Facebook page and I was impressed by their beautiful dishes. I was determined to visit them on my next trip to Plovdiv and I did so.

Tams House is located at the opposite corner of our favorite restaurant Pavaj in Kapana, Plovidv. It’s hard to guess which of all the small cute places around it is, you have to ask.

In the gastronomic back office of Tams House are performing Melissa, born in Peru and Todor, who is from Plovdiv. The two have worked at three Michelin restaurants around the world. We are very pleased that they have chosen Kapana to demonstrate their true Michelin masterpiece craft. Their restaurant became another place in Plovdiv, favourite to us! ❤️

See ….

…. A very small, we may say boutique restaurant- it had only 4 tables outdoors.  Ours was next to a building in construction, so it was a little uncomfortable at first, close to the constructions rigs, small debris and dust on the table, but the delicious food and the good wine made things right. Of course, the table was duly wiped after we notified the waitress;

…. The dishes were very beautiful on the plate, however light was missing outdoors, especially at dusk and dark. Thus, the dishes lost much of their effect. Accordingly, the photos were not very clear and good and I had to use flash;

…. A good wine list and for my great joy, it offered nice wine in small bottles.

…. The toilet (did not take pictures of it) was not in its best condition, as a result of unscrupulous users, but otherwise it was with decent hygiene.

Feel ….

…. All negatives from category See… were washed out because of the smiling waitress and the wonderful food;

…. The pleasant atmosphere of Kapana, a neighborhood in the center of Plovdiv with many attractive placesbars, artesian shops, space for chamber concerts in the open air and a bunch of other surprises.

Hear ….

…. The joyful chat of people who sip drinks and eat all the delicious food from the densely located restaurants around.

Movie watching time: 1.52 min.


Smell ….

…. Strawberry, cherry and raspberry notes in red dry wine Saint-Esprit 2017 by Cotes-Du-Rhone Dellas;

…. Enchanting aroma of Jasmin rice, on which was bedded a very fragrant pork, marinated in apple juice with Charcutier sauce.

Taste ….

…. The tagliatelle with parmigiano, ordered by my daughter, were wonderful – there were quite non-traditional supplements like prosciutto crudo, mushrooms, pouched egg and roasted nuts, but they made the dish even more exciting.

…. Pork Tenderloin Charcutier, which I mentioned above in categorySmell Extremely tender meat, with incredible flavors. I wondered which impressed me more- the meat or the Jasmin rice, until I tried the Dophine potatoes to it. Outside a crispy breaded crust, inside a divinely delicious and gentle texture that was more resembling a cheese mousse, it was so fluffy.

…. The Beef ribs, cooked 12 hours and the burger were also incrediblщ delicious- very tender meat, well-seasoned, good sauces;

… Dessert Burning Browniethe children were very impressed by the fire show with the chocolate dough and they ate the brownie with great pleasure, and the caramel too and the strawberries….

…. Dessert Egg- I already thought that there was nothing more to surprise me here but I was proven wrong finding out that the culmination is the dessert. Great imitation technique! There comes a real white egg- outside it looked like an egg, inside also- with the yolk and the egg-white, as slightly soft-boiled. However, the shell turned out to be white chocolate, the egg whites were mousse of cream cheese, the yolk was made of mango. Make sure you see it in the movie.

I didn’t mention the salads, but they were very nice.

It’s really exciting at Tams House. We will go again, and I only hope that they would have put more light at the outdoors tables, otherwise it would be unfair to the creators in the kitchen, Melisa and Todor, not to be able to see their masterpieces in their full splendour.

Stop reading but book your stay in Plovdiv. It is European Capital of Culture for 2019 and there are exhibitions and cultural events going on. I suggest you include in your itinerary Tams House too.

How to book your stay in Plovdiv?

If you are planning already your trip to Plovidv, you can book your stay right here. For your convenience, I added a booking.com box, which refers directly to their site. I guarantee you’re going to use all your genius discounts and privileges they would offer to you. Just enter the dates of your trip, then hit the Search button and voila. In addition, booking.com are doing their best to make sure that your expectations as a customer are fulfilled. I’ve described an example about the latter in  my story about our stay in Shangri-La hotel in Singapore.




If you are interested where I stayed with my family, check up my publication The advantages of staying in a guest house in Plovdiv, European Capital of Culture for 2019

How to get to Tams House?

Don’t worry about getting to Tams House in Plovdiv. Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:

Zagreb 4, 4000 Капана, Пловдив, България

А: 4 Zagreb str., Sofia, Bulgaria

T: +359 88 724 2727

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