Cocktails of Cosmos, Sofia, photo by

The Cocktails of Cosmos, Sofia

Time for watching the short movie about the cocktails of Cosmos: 2:46

Reading time: 1 min.

The cuisine of restaurant Cosmos is already legendary with the unconventional presentation of old Bulgarian products and recipes through modern gastronomic techniques. However, for the cocktails of Cosmos, one has to write separately and grant special attention. I was going to do it for a long time, and now it’s a fact.

I present to you, Krasi, a bartender in Cosmos who mixes very well the drinks with the spices and creates great cocktails.

I tried Virgo, Polaris and Vega. The last one was number 1 because of the lush combination of the rum and the fresh Dalmatian parsley and the spicy samardalla, sprinkled on the glass. Look how this all happened.

Movie watching time: 2.46 min

I should not forget to mention that the bar also makes a lot of delicious home-made lemonades. My kids drank a few.

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