Dock5 in Burgas, photo by

The newest restaurant in Burgas with a nice view and delicious cuisine – Dock5

Dock5 rating by the 5D Sensograph of 4.9 out of 5.

August 2020


Seen              5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of

Felt              5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of

Heard           5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of

Smelled       5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of

Tasted          4.5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на / 4.5 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of  


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You don’t have 2 min.? See the short movie further below:  1:17 min.

There are many restaurants on the old dock, near the port of Burgas, but somehow until now it lacked one with clearly good cuisine and service. To the delight of the citizens of Burgas and all the guests of the city, there is already such a place that has met the high standards of the 5D Sensograph. It is called Dock5 and is located on the ground floor of the new hotel Marina Burgas.

See ….

…. View of the port, where you can watch a fantastic sunset;

…. Modern vision;

…. Good plating of the dishes;

…. Separate menu for cocktails with interesting offers.


Feel ….

…. We came across a very kind and polite waiter who addressed the children with “Miss”;

…. Pleasant atmosphere, both on the terrace and inside the restaurant.

Movie watching time: 1:17 min.

Hear ….

…. Scream of seagulls soaring over the harbor 

Smell ….

…. The aroma of the pizza cooked in the oven is great!

…. Freshly prepared fried fish – horse mackerel, mullet, mejit;

…. Exotic oriental aromas in the cocktail The Monkey and the Rose.


Taste ….

…. Whelk with garlic and smoked red pepper – I admit, I tested the kitchen of the restaurant by ordering whelk. It is prepared specifically, it is quite tough and if it is not made properly, it becomes very bad and tough to eat. To my great satisfaction this one was wonderful, well done to the chef!

…. Very good wine by the glass, poured from a bottle;

…. The pizza is super – the dough is very good, it is baked in the oven;

…. The the dried salted small fish, named chiroz here,  was great. In the same way as with whelk, not everyone can prepare it well;

…. A chicken burger was highly appreciated by my daughter;

… .. Wonderful bites with Parmesan – made from pizza dough;

…. The aforementioned The Monkey and the Rose cocktail was very nice, but not all bartenders make all cocktails well. I came across 2 quite unbalanced, with a tendency to sour, which I did not like.

If in Sofia my new discovery and favourite place is Ozone Sky Bar and Lounge, in Burgas it is exactly Dock5.

How to get there?

Don’t worry about getting to Dock5 in Burgas. Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:

A: Hotel Marina Burgas

T: +359 88 512 2225


Open Hours: Mon-Sun 7:30-24:00

If you need to rent a car, you can book it here in the box of the largest booking platform.

How to book your stay in Burgas?

If you are already planning a trip to Burgas,  I recommend that you book your stay right hereFor your convenience, I have added a box, which refers directly to their site. I guarantee you’re going to use all your genius discounts and privileges they would offer to you. Just enter the dates of your trip, then hit the Search button and voila. In addition, are doing their best to make sure that your expectations as a customer are fulfilled. I’ve described an example about the latter in  my story about our stay in Shangri-La hotel in Singapore .

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