Ресторант Урания, Созопол, снимка от placescases.com

Restaurant Urania in Sozopol, Bulgaria – different and very tasty food with sea view

Restaurant Urania rating by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com: 4.9 out of 5.

May  2021


Seen         5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com

Felt           4.5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 4.5 Big Hearts by the 5D Sensogrpah of placescases.com     

Heard       5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com  

Smelled    5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com       

Tasted      5 сърца от 5D Сензографа на placescases.com / 5 hearts by the 5D Sensograph of placescases.com        

Reading time: 5 min

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You don’t have 5min.? See the short movie further below: 2:28  min.

Restaurant  Urania in Sozopol was recommended to us by a friend of mine. She obviously knows my preferences and tastes well, because the place turned out to be just enough to impress me and make me write a review and evaluation of it. Part of the experience was due to nature and its beauty, but the main was due to the skills of chef Diyan Dimitrov. In any case, the restaurant is remarkable and memorable.

I start by saying that Urania is a muse of geometry and astronomy. I don’t know if she inspires Diyan Dimitrov, but his dishes turn out very well and are flawless in every respect – just like in the mentioned sciences.

See ….

…. The view is superb –you can see the sea, the bay of Sozopol and there are great colors at sunset.

We had the incredible pleasure while dining in Urania to see a whole rainbow, because of the wide sea horizon and the May rain that was drizzling at the end of the day, while the windows of the buildings on the opposite cape shone like gold.

Exceptional beauty!

See it in the movie below.

The lady who served us said that these sights happen and that such moments make her happy to work there.

…. The beauty of the food, flawlessly plaited in a variety of dishes and trays;

…. Pleasant neat interior with curtains, pillows, wrought iron, fresh flowers on the tables, pots, very nice dishes and trays, wooden stump pads for hot dishes – all sorts of details that please the eye;

…. The small but informative menu in which all the suggestions sound interesting.

Feel ….

… In general, the service is good the food is served quickly, warm, without being hot, I have no complaints;

…. The only thing I didn’t like was that when we entered, there was a man behind the cash register, with an apron, a waiter or a cook, I don’t know, who didn’t even bother to greet us or ask us if we had a reservation, he just sat and watched us, as if we were bothering him. When we explained to him that we had a reservation, he called out to the kitchen and called the lady who had made my reservation, and she took matters into her own hands;

…. Unfortunately the staff rarely smiles, the second waiter was angry with us. Only when we complimented the food did the lady smile and say she liked her job.

We were pleased to be introduced to a teenage child, who was presented as the pasta master. He smiled modestly, but at the same time with the confidence that he could cook, and well. We wished him to watch it in MasterChef one day! You will probably hear about Leon one day. 😊

 Hear ….

…. Light noise from the surf under the restaurant, the scream of the seagulls, the light rumble of the rain;

.… Very nice chill-out music.

We couldn’t help but feel magical in this place!

Movie watching time: 2:28 min.

Smell ….

…. Ginger in the sauce of stewed Black Sea mussels, which were very tasty;

…. The soft aroma of cocoa in a brilliant combination with strawberries in an exclusive dessert – aerated chocolate, which is something like chocolate mousse in crumbs, with sliced strawberries in it.

Taste ….

There is nothing that is not tasty !!!

…. Chicken liver parfait – it was wonderful! I dare say that, because I make such a pate and I know how it should taste and smell. This one was great, served with slices of fresh bread and sweet red pickled onions on the side – magic!

…. Turbot fillet on black rice, with lemon foam and crispy parmesan crust – also amazing!

 I want to note that cooking techniques are used that only high-end restaurants apply.


…. The children ate chicken, sea bream on risotto and pea puree, shrimpя – everyone was really happy with their meal!

…. Green salad with omelet and smoked bonito, very tasty and very well flavored! I add that the other salads were also praised.

…. For one dessert I wrote above, the chocolate cake is not less tasty!

Urania Restaurant has a magical cuisine by chef Diyan Dimitrov, wonderful views, good service, light in the eyes of little Leon- a future culinary star, a completely magical and memorable experience for all the senses!

How to get to restaurant Urania?

Don’t worry about getting to restaurant Urania in Sozopol. Just use the Google map here by clicking on the red pin of its location and then select directions:

Restaurant Urania, Sozopol, ul. "Milet" 34, 8130 Tsentar, Sozopol

A:  34 “Milet” str , 8130 Tsentar, Sozopol

T: + +359 87887 19 15

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12:20-24:00, with interruption between 16 and 18:30

If you need to rent a car, you can book it here in the box of the largest booking platform further at the end of the current post.

Where to stay if you are not from the city?

If you plan your stay in Sozopol and you insist on a nice design hotel I would recommend Blu Bay Hotel and you can book your stay right hereFor your convenience, I have added a booking.com box, which refers directly to their site. I guarantee you’re going to use all your genius discounts and privileges they would offer to you. Just enter the dates of your trip, then hit the Search button and voila. In addition, booking.com are doing their best to make sure that your expectations as a customer are fulfilled. I’ve described an example about the latter in  my story about our stay in Shangri-La hotel in Singapore .


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